Selena R.
“All my life, 2022”
I created this love letter during a time of understanding and releasing wounds I had held onto for a very long time. I was coming to terms with the fact that I'm very likely on the spectrum. My children are autistic. As I started learning about autism I started connecting the dots to my own childhood and things were starting to make sense. "All my life I thought I'd change." is a lyric to one of my favorite songs 'Sister' by Angel Olsen. The lyrics really resonated because I remember as a child I was always fantasizing about who I was to become. I dreamed of the day I would be so social and not shy/reserved and I thought life would look different as an adult... it didn't. I still struggle in social situations and I'm still.. if not even more reserved than before. I'm 27 years old now and I am finally starting to feel at peace with myself. I love staying home. I love to read or work on art when I can. I love taking care of my plants and journaling with a nice cup of coffee. I love learning. I love trying different hobbies. I love being in my solitude. I have wonderful and beautiful friendships with women who truly love me. I always say they help heal parts of me they didn't break. My little family and friends really are my warm blanket of love. They encourage me to face my fears and to love myself.