“Love letter from a Junkie”

Written by: Janace Griffin AKA JunkDredz

We talk often about gateway drugs and to stay clear of them,

but Art has to be the most addicting of them all and can not be avoided.

One hit and you will never see the world the same again 

Art is not like other drugs in the sense that it doesn’t subdue you, but becomes you.

Acrylic and water paint run through your veins carrying  pallets and canvases instead of white and red blood cells.

My hair has become yarn and hemp,

My flesh a one of a kind fabric that only I have been cut from. 

My heart but a beating drum of tempo for my life and every step towards my next goal. 

Bristles of abandoned brushes, resin bottles, spray cans and shade pencils lay in heaps upon the tables and floor like used syringes and glass pipes.

Your mind is always racing for the next moment to use…or create.

Art can be accessed ANYWHERE and out of ANYTHING making it even harder to deny or walk away from! 

Even in solitary confinement an artist will dream themselves into insanity.

Never can I rid myself of this abusive and controlling relationship between art and artist.

Even if art one day kills me by way of overdose I will die in a colorful dream. 

This self medication has been around since the beginning of time when God created the world and all things. 

Even they were not able to resist.