Evangelina J. Espinoza

“For you, Para ti”

I'd like to dedicate this work to the reader and to all the people that struggle being seen, or feel like they don't fit in or matter. You do. You do matter. I see you, and I hope you let yourself see your own light. To all of our friends and family in Chihuhahua, Chihuhahua MX, Denver, CO, El Paso, TX and all over the world, thank you for teaching us love.

Lastly, I'd like to dedicate this work to my better half, my partner, Charlie Chico Gomez. Thank you for helping me translate this piece into our mother tongue. For me, you are the physical embodiment of love. I am so grateful love found me in you, since the first time I saw you through an ice cream store window on a rainy day. You have shown me what true love is, and I am so humbled and grateful to walk this life with you. Thank you for believing in me most, I love you endlessly.